Annual LLC Actions (Legacy LLC Process)
Owning a company does require a few pieces of annual maintenance, but visitor.us is here to make them go smoothly.
Owning a company does require a few pieces of annual maintenance, but visitor.us is here to make them go smoothly.
Table of Contents
Montana LLC annual reports overview
Form 1120 and Form 5472 overview
Filing your LLC’s Montana Annual Report
Filing your LLC’s Form 1120/5472
Montana LLC annual reports overview
Montana law requires all Montana companies (including Limited Liability Companies, LLC’s) to file an Annual Report by April 15th of each year, beginning the year after the company was formed, until the company is terminated.
Whether your LLC was formed in January of 2024 or December of 2024, its annual report is due on April 15th, 2025.
When filing an LLC’s Annual Report, the LLC must select its Registered Agent (a Montana-based party designated to receive official mail) for the coming year.
visitor.us charges $95 per year to file your LLC’s annual report and act as its Registered Agent for the coming year. An additional $100 fee is assessed for late submissions.
The Montana Secretary of State’s office automatically dissolves LLC’s that have not filed an annual report by November 30.
Form 1120 and Form 5472 overview
Forms 5472 and 1120 are US federal tax forms. But just because you own a Montana Limited Liability Company (LLC) doesn’t mean that you or your LLC owes tax in the US.
If your LLC is only used to own a vehicle, and you don’t make a gain on the sale of that vehicle, you likely don’t owe any tax at all.
For LLC’s only used to own a vehicle, Forms 5472 and 1120 are purely informational.
Form 5472
The US government wants to make sure that jets, yachts, and the like aren’t being bought through US shell companies by dictators and oligarchs (well, dictators and oligarchs that the US doesn't like).
Any US company owned by a non-US person must therefore file IRS Form 5472, in which the company declares any material purchases or sales (such as the purchase or sale of an automobile) during the year.
Only a few pieces of information are required to file Form 5472:
- Company information (name, address, EIN, date formed, etc.)
- Owner information (name, address, country of citizenship, country of residency)
- Transactional information (vehicle purchase/sale price, etc.)
visitor.us populates Form 5472 with your LLC’s company information, and you provide the remaining information (owner, transactional) in the visitor.us app (autos.visitor.us) to complete the form.
The form will be submitted with Form 1120, which we detail below.
Form 1120
Form 1120 is the standard US company tax return.
Just a handful of pieces of information are required to file Form 1120:
- Company information (name, address, EIN, date formed, etc.)
- Owner’s country
- Income, if any*
- If your LLC was just used to hold your vehicle, Form 1120 income should be zero, unless you sold your vehicle for a gain (i.e., more than you bought it for) or used your LLC for business purposes. If either of these situations apply to you, please consult a professional tax advisor.
visitor.us populates Form 1120 with your LLC’s company information, and you provide the remaining information (owner, income, if any) in the visitor.us app (autos.visitor.us) to generate the form.
The deadline to file Form 5472 is April 15th (or the next business day if April 15th falls on a weekend) of the year following the year of the activity (vehicle purchase/sale, etc.). A six-month extension may be obtained.
Once generated, you will sign Form 1120 and submit it to visitor.us who will fax (yes, fax) Form 1120 and Form 5472 to the IRS, and provide you evidence of the submission for your records.
The deadline to file Form 1120 and Form 5472 is April 15th (or the next business day if April 15th falls on a weekend) of the year following the year of the activity (vehicle purchase/sale, etc.). For example, if you formed your LLC and purchased your vehicle in 2024, Form 1120 and Form 5472 would be due by April 15th, 2025. A six-month extension may be obtained.
File your LLC’s Montana Annual Report
Step 0: Place Montana LLC annual report order
Within the LLC tab of autos.visitor.us, click the File 2024 Annual Report button.

A payment window will be displayed, where we will collect the Annual Report fee of $95, if completed before April 15th ($195 if completed after April 15th).
Step 1: Confirm the name and address of current LLC owner(s) and add owner (if desired)

Step 2: Report requested
When you confirm your LLC’s owner’s details and submit, visitor.us will file your LLC’s annual report with the Montana Secretary of State.
Step 3: Report filed
After visitor.us files your LLC’s annual report with the Montana Secretary of State, we receive your LLC’s Annual Report Confirmation Letter.

We upload your Annual Report Confirmation Letter to autos.visitor.us and you receive an email notification that your Annual Report was filed successfully.
File your Form 1120/5472
visitor.us will ask a series of questions related to your LLC's activities during the the most recently completed tax year.
Your answers will populate Form 1120 and Form 5472.
After reviewing your LLC's populated Form 1120 and Form 5472, you will be asked to sign the documents.
After you sign the documents, visitor.us will fax your submission to the authorities and provide a fax confirmation page for your records.
visitor.us is not a licensed tax preparer, and this document coordination service should not be considered a tax preparation service, financial advice, or tax advice.
If you do not wish to use visitor.us’ document coordination service, and file the forms yourself, or with the help of a tax professional, you can opt out of the service.
Step 1: Provide information about your LLC’s activities and ownership
LLC Income
You will be asked if your LLC generated any revenue or gains during the year.
Examples of revenue and gains attributable to the LLC include renting the vehicle out or selling a vehicle for more than the sum of the purchase price and the value of upgrades.
visitor.us’ document coordination service does not support revenue-generating or gain-making companies. If your LLC had revenue or gains, please consult a tax professional.
LLC owners’ US social security numbers
Form 5472 and Form 1120 are only required for LLCs owned 25% or more by non-US persons.
Therefore, if you confirm that 75% of owners have a US social security number, no further action is required.
LLC expenditures
Next, you’ll be asked whether your LLC made any expenditures in the following categories during the year:
- Vehicle purchase
- Vehicle upgrades and maintenance
- Vehicle storage
- Auto insurance
LLC asset disposals
If you sold a vehicle during the year, you’ll be asked to provide the value in this section.
Foreign taxpayer details
In order to coordinate anti-money laundering and tax evasion efforts with governments around the world, the United States government requires taxpayer information for all LLC owners that are non-US persons.
Step 2: Review, sign, and submit documents
After providing your responses, you’ll be prompted to sign and submit your documents.
Step 3: visitor.us faxes your documents to the authorities
These filings may be either mailed or faxed to the authorities.
visitor.us faxes your signed documents to the authorities, and saves the fax confirmation for your records.
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Learn more about vehicle purchase, insurance, and sales in general in the US

Checking a vehicle out

Paying for a vehicle

Purchase documentation

Insuring your vehicle

Finding a buyer for your vehicle

Selling your vehicle